How does your company reward It’s employees ??? There’s nothing like the office pizza party to celebrate your hard work. #p#pizzapartyt#tiktokpartnerh#hardworkpaysoffp#promotionatwork
It’s that time of the year again!! What are your thoughts on daylight savings time? S/o @_giovannipaolo ##daylightsavings##daylightsavingstime##sundayreset
How would you respond if your boss asked you “I hope you’re not planning to quit too?” After a few of your coworkers have already left ? ##quitting##9to5##officelife
Don’t you wish you could say some of these things at work on a daily basis without getting fired or consequences? What do you wish you could say at work? Did I miss anything? ##workhumor##officehumor##corporatelife
Nothing like a little workplace scavenger hunt for your boss to start the day. Do you think this is a genius idea on how to quit? ##quitting##newjob##supervisor
Is this how you are going to react when you go back into work tomorrow? Coming back to work after the holiday weekend feels illegal. How do you feel about coming back to work after a long weekend? #4dayweekend #mondaymood #sundayscaries #onthisday
Petty or genius? I got my bonus now I'm clocking out for good. What's the first thing you would do after getting a bonus?? #christmasbonus #securethebag #worksmarternotharder #newyearnewme
Where do you eat your lunch at? In the car ? In the break room? At home? Does work stress you out so much that you have to eat away from your coworkers to have some peace?!? #lunchtime #coworkerproblems
Genius right? Of all the lazy ways that I try to get out of working, this one may take the cake lol what are your thoughts? —> All jokes ppl <- #paycheck #officechair #officehumor