Would you expect his first video of 2025 to be anything else?!? Mr Waffles was going through the garbage and pulled out an empty bag of treats. He brought it to show me, and when I said no more he wasn't happy and told me so! He does love that purple button in particular! People are going to say I should take his buttons away.... what do you think? And how dramatic was that stomp on the empty bag 😂 #swearingdog #dogswearing #yorkie #funnydogvideos swearing dog videos, swearing dog, cursing dog
Can't believe it has been another year already! Goes by too fast! Bosley turned 3 and Waffs is 7.5! Started off just enjoying the winter, travel to Banff, then we got hacked in April which was a terrifying experience 🤪 Got our account back and then proceeded to do a lot of local travel, mostly traveling around the mountains. Looking to do some more air travel with the boys in 2025! Thank you to all our followers! We love you 🥰 and wishing you all the best in 2025! 🥂🍾 #2024recap #dogmomlife #travelrecap2024 #yorkiesofinstagram #yearinreview #wanderwithwaffles #calgarydogs #yorkie #morkie
Never know when you will need extra time off work **wink* 😉* What is the best excuse you have ever used to get off work? #workhumor #workjokes #officehumor #officememes #officedog #funnydogs #yorkie #yorkshireterrier
Waffs thought his new button was broken LOL!! He wasn’t impressed until he saw its magic powers…. food dispenser. Yes please! It has been below 0 for more than a week here, and these two can’t stay outside for much longer than a "P" break. So keeping them entertained and active in the condo is a must. And these treat feeders have been a god send! Seriously keeps them busy for 15 - 20 mins. I try to set it so only 1 or 2 kibbles or treats come out at a time,and it can hold up to a cup so it can take a while 🙂 ♦️Do you also have a dog that is cooped up during this cold snap? Check the LINK it our bio to find one! US and Canadian links♦️ #dogpuzzle #dogenrichment #amazonfinds #amazonpets #yorkie [Dog enrichment toy treat dispenser Arf pets]