Taking a big BITE out of this 🍎😉 #iykyk #aldc #aldcalways #abbyleemiller #aldcla #aldcpgh #dancemoms #abbyleedancecompany #dance #candyapples #disney #apple #disneyworld #fyp #foryou #leaveitonthedancefloor
Sometimes you have to just get behind the host stand yourself at the restaurant 🤪👏🏼❤️ #aldc #abbylee #abbyleemiller #dance #goodtimes #crackerbarel #dancemoms #abbyleedancecompany #fyp #leaveitonthedancefloor #madhouse
Proud teacher! LOVED getting to see @Maes and @Hannah Grace Colin represent their college dance teams STRONG!!! Thank you to the staff, security and all involved at #UDA for an amazing experience! I can’t wait to be back!!! 👏🏼👏🏼 #proudteacher #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleedancecompany #dance #dancemoms #abbyleemiller #uda #collegedance #leaveitonthedancefloor #danceteam #proud #aldcproud
Not everyone knows how much really goes into owning a dance studio! 💯 #Throwback to having my friend @Jessalynn Siwa on #LeaveItOnTheDanceFloor 👏🏼 check it out wherever you get your podcasts or watch on Patreon! @Leave It On The Dance Floor #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #dance #abbyleemiller #studioowner #dancemoms #jessalynnsiwa #abbyleedancecompany #leaveitonthedancefloorpodcast #dancemomsedit #dancemomsclips #podcast
Firecracker!!! So proud of you @Maes 😘❤️👏🏼 you and the entire @uofmdanceteam are inspiring kids across the globe! BRAVO!!! #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #dance #uda #abbyleedancecompany #abbyleemiller #leaveitonthedancefloor
Who do you think is on top of the pyramid this week?! Comment below! 👇 #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleedancecompany #realitytv #dancemoms #abbyleemiller #aldcla #aldcpgh #dance #leaveitonthedancefloor #barbie #BarbieMovie
I could use a piece of this cake right now!!! Love it!! 🍰😂 #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleedancecompany #dancemoms #abbyleemiller #leaveitonthedancefloor #fyp #dancemomsedit #dancemomsclips
#Throwback to Vivi-Anne’s special appearance on my podcast #LeaveItOnTheDanceFloor where she looked back at the very first days of #DanceMoms ✨🎙️☕️ Listen every Tuesday wherever you get your podcasts or WATCH at patreon.com/therealabbylee 👍🏼 #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #fyp #abbyleemiller #vivianne #dance #viviannestein #candyapples #abbyleedancecompany #podcast #leaveitonthedancefloorpodcast #cathydancemoms #podcastlife #dancemomsedit #dancemomsclips
Let’s get LOUD! That’s right ~ I’m coming back to the UK in March and I can’t wait to meet all of you!!! Check out all my tour dates available online now at www.abbyleeontour.com 👍🏼🇬🇧 #aldcalways #aldcww #abbylee #abbyleedancecompany #dance #uk #danceclass #leaveitonthedancefloor #dancers #danceevent #abbyleemiller #dancemoms
🇬🇧UK #ALDC AMBASSADOR SEARCH🇬🇧 That’s right!!! I’m looking for brand new dancers & fans to join the #ALDCWorldAmbassador family on my tour 🙌🏼 do you have what it takes to represent the #AbbyLeeDanceCompany across the globe?? Now is your chance!!! 🌟🌎 All tour dates and tickets can be found on ABBYLEEONTOUR.COM ~ don’t miss your chance to prove you can be at the top of the #ALDCWW pyramid 👏🏼👏🏼 #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleemiller #dance #dancemoms #uk #unitedkingdom #dancers #leaveitonthedancefloor #ukdance #ukdancers #aldcambassadors
It’s almost time 🎉🇬🇧✨ can you spot yourself in this video from our last tour in the UK?! Tickets to all tour dates can be found at abbyleeontour.com 👏🏼 Tag a friend you want to bring with you!!! #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #aldcla #aldcww #abbyleedancecompany #dance #dancemoms #ukdancers #ukdance #unitedkingdom #abbyleemiller #leaveitonthedancefloor
I’m coming for you UK!!! Can’t wait to see you all in my class & spills the tea events 👏🏼 did you hear we’re looking for new #ALDC World Ambassadors?! Get tickets at ABBYLEEONTOUR.COM 🇬🇧🌎 #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleemiller #aldcww #dance #dancemoms #ukdancers #ukdancer #abbyleedancecompany #uk #unitedkingdom #leaveitonthedancefloor #aldcambassadors
Love is in the air!!! Tag your special someone in the comments to tell them they’re at the top of your pyramid or book a last-minute Cameo from ME! 😉💞 #HappyValentinesDay #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleemiller #aldcla #aldcpgh #dance #valentines #happyvday #abbyleedancecompany #leaveitonthedancefloor
Season 2 of #MadHouse drops TONIGHT on @BRANDON STUDIOS 👏🏼👏🏼 loved getting to chat about all you can expect from the show with my friends at @Access Hollywood ✨ are you ready?! #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleemiller #dance #leaveitonthedancefloor #abbyleedancecompany #dancers #madhouse #brandontv #xrmmedia
What an absolute joy to welcome the fabulous Sonja Morgan on #LeaveItOnTheDanceFloor this week!! She shares so many stories about her life before Reality TV, the day she decided to join #RHONY and if she was a #DanceMom herself ☕️😉 Listen now wherever you get your podcasts or watch the full episode on at patreon.com/therealabbylee 🎙️🎧 #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleemiller #bravo #bravotv #abbyleedancecompany #sonjamorgan #housewives #realhousewives #realitytv #dance #dancemoms #hurrdatentertainment #podcasts #leaveitonthedancefloorpodcast #entertainment
Fabulous first day in Nashville teaching at @mileleacademy 🙌🏼👏🏼 great work in class today kids!!! #aldc #aldcalways #abbylee #abbyleemiller #dance #dancemoms #leaveitonthedancefloor #abbyleedancecompany #nashville