Muntik na kaming magsabay! 😅 Di man nagkasabay sa kembutan, sigurado naman sabay kami ni PACMAN sa adhikain para maging Champion sa Sports at magtaguyod ng mas maganda at mas maginhawang buhay! 💥🇵🇭 Let’s go, @1Pacman Partylist #1PACMANPartyList! 💪🏼 #ChampionSaSports #MannyPacquiao #Partylist2025 #22saBalota
Join the #KayeahDanceChallenge trend and win ₱10,000 to the beat of @Powerhouse newest jingle! 🎶💪🏻 #SaPowerhouseKayeah #KayeahDanceChallenge #PowerhouseTools
The Wifey has already lost over 30lbs since the start of the year and finally she’s listening to me, yes, ME.. to start hitting the DEAD LIFTS! So we opted to start with the deadlift trap bar! 💪🏽 *Side note* In a relationship, there are times that we have to respect the partner husband/wife gf/bf, in whatever situation or health circumstances they’re going thru. (They may have health or mental conditions that we may not know) We can only push them so far in regards to health and fitness without being the “MAJOR PAIN” in their lives. We can live by example yes, but we need to be more understanding and moreover, LOVING and CARING. They’ll come thru in their own time. Trust in His timing. 🙏🏽 As a trainer, coach and lovable hubby (😝) , this has to be one of my favorite moments together coz this might be her last time to dead lift or might be the start of new gym buff journey of an unleashed SHE-BEAST @Rona Tai50 AGAIN! TARA ULIT! 😤 #RonaTheSheBeast #EruptionTransformation #TeamPasabog #TeamEruption