‘Let Me In’ is a song about the struggle to find true happiness, and the people and places that have brought me closest to it in my life. I wrote it on the first day I got to Nashville last summer. I hadn’t written a song in a while, so it felt like I captured something I had been trying to say for a long time. I hope you love this one. #newmusic
When I was busking, ‘Wish You Well’ by @Mick Flannery was a very important song for me, and I would always lean on it, there were certain songs I would lean on. And often you’d play them right before you go home, because you want to go home in a good mood. This song actually earned me the right to busk in Boston Common, when I had to audition for the man who chose the artists who were allowed to play in the park, so it’s always carried that memory with it when I play it!