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Ryan Smith  اتجاه البيانات (30 يوما)

Ryan Smith التحليل الإحصائي (30 يوما)

Ryan Smith فيديوهات ساخنة

😅 Are the Weekend messing up your progress…? Let’s change that (the last point will blow your mind) ⬇️ Firstly, calories don’t need to be REALLY low to lose weight and you don’t need to only eat salad…or cucumber is my case. Include ALL food into your calories - an 80/20 split works well with my 1-1 clients where 80% of their food comes from high quality nutrition and 20% can be chocolate cake 👀 BUT you actually don’t need to have the same calories every day. 😮 WHAAAAAA? Yep, you can have different calories depending on your needs. So take your daily calories and add them up to give you a weekly target - if you have 1500 then your weekly target is 10,500. You can spread those across the week HOWEVER you’d like. More on the weekends? That’ll be fine 👊🏼 Maybe you’ve got a meal out this week on Wednesday, we will assign more calories to Wednesday and have less on Thursday to counter balance. 👉🏼 BONUS: you can even work to a monthly target so if you’ve got a week holiday you can have higher calories that week and even it out to hit your monthly target with the other 3 weeks. It’s about being prepared, planning ahead and being flexible to produce SUSTAINABLE Weight Loss Results. - Ryan. P.s - if you’re stuck as to what you calories should be then DM me CALCULATOR and I’ll send you a link to work them out 💥
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