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❌ FIX THIS Lat Pulldown Mistake! A common misconception is that you should keep your shoulders depressed throughout the entire lat pulldown. However, this actually limits a key component of the movement: the lat stretch, which is crucial for hypertrophy. To maximize lat growth, allow your shoulders to elevate during the eccentric phase (as the bar moves back up) so your lats lengthen under tension while resisting the weight. Then, during the concentric phase (pulling the bar down), actively depress your shoulders to engage your lats fully and complete the range of motion. Simply put, let your shoulders rise as the bar goes up and depress them as you pull it down. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #latpulldown #latpulldowns #latpulldownform
❌ Cable Crunch Mistakes (FIX THESE!) 🔹 Mistake #1: Misaligned Forearms Letting your forearms drift out of line with the rope shifts tension to the triceps. This can cause them to fatigue before your abs, limiting your reps. Fix: Keep your forearms in line with the rope throughout the movement. 🔹 Mistake #2: Keeping Your Spine Straight A rigid spine prevents full abdominal engagement. Fix: Actively curl your spine as you crunch down to maximize contraction. 🔹 Mistake #3: Hinging at the Hips Moving your thighs too much shifts work to the hip flexors. Fix: Keep your thighs relatively vertical and focus on bending at the spine. Some slight movement is natural. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #cablecrunch #cablecrunches
Avoid Doing Upright Rows Like This ⚠️ . By Taking a Closer Grip, and performing Upright Rows, this will increase the risk of Shoulder Impingement. ⚠️ So Instead, Grab the Bar at Shoulder Width Grip. ✅ Slightly Lean Forward, and then Raise your Elbows to the Sides. ✅ This way you effectively Train your Shoulders & Traps safely while performing this Shoulder Movement. 🔥 Save this for if you don’t remember the last time you did Upright Rows 😂 . Keep crushing it warriors 💪🏽 . #shoulders #delts #shoulderworkout
the PR faces & sounds are crazy lol
Carve your Body with Dumbbell Curls ⚠️ . Here are the 3 main variations of Curls you want to master when using Dumbbells. 🔥 When performing a Supinated Grip, this will emphasize your Biceps. ✅ When performing a Neutral Grip, this will emphasize your Brachialis & Brachioradialis. ✅ And Lastly, when performing an Overhand Grip, this will emphasize the Upper Forearms. ✅ Save this for next time you Train your Arms. 💪🏽 Keep crushing it saiyans . #biceps #armworkout #arms
Outfit from @aybl - use code "DELTA" for 10% off 🛑 STOP Doing Cable Rows LIKE THIS! A common mistake in the cable row is excessive elbow flexion, which shifts tension from the lats to the biceps. This usually happens when you pull the handle too high toward your chest. To fix it, pull toward your belly button while keeping your forearms aligned with the cable for better lat activation. #beaybl#aybl #ayblathlete#cablerow
Carve your Body with Forearm Curls ⚠️ . Here are 2 variations of Forearms Curls you want to be aware of. 🔥 When performing Forearm Curls with your Wrists Supinated this will emphasize your Inner Forearms. ✅ However, when performing Reverse Forearm Curls this will emphasize your Outer Forearms. ✅ Save this for next time your Build Forearms like Popeyes. 🔥 Keep crushing it saiyans. . #forearms #arms #armworkout
we all start somewhere (@Gymshark cøde “DIANA10” to save - paid sponsorship)
if this isn’t what cardio day looks like… I DON’T WANT IT 🙅🏼♀️ this 30 minute class FLIES by because of how much fun it is. #homeworkout #cardio #cardioworkout #madfit #fitnessmotivation
✅ The PERFECT Cable Bicep Curl 1️⃣ Keep your upper arms fixed in a vertical position. Avoid moving it. 2️⃣ Tuck your elbows in 3️⃣ Maintain a neutral wrist 4️⃣ Keep your shoulders down Try this for better bicep isolation! Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #cablebicepcurl #bicepcurl #bicepcurls
🛑 Dumbell Chest Press Mistake (STOP DOING THIS!) A common but subtle mistake in the dumbbell chest press is rolling the shoulders forward (and letting the chest cave in) as you press the weight up. This shifts tension away from the chest and onto the shoulders. Instead, keep your shoulders pulled back and your chest up throughout the entire movement to maintain maximum chest activation. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio)
Outfit from @aybl - use code "DELTA" for 10% off. Link in bio. Dumbbell Upright Row Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you perform upright rows with the dumbbells close together, you'll work more of the front delts and upper traps. Holding them wider—about 1.5 times shoulder width—shifts more focus to the side delts. If you bend over and perform wide rows, you'll target the rear delts along with the middle and upper traps. #beaybl #aybl #uprightrow #uprightrows
Since a lot of folks don’t seem to know the difference, Sam Sulek will be competing in the Arnold Amateur! Note the key word there of amateur. He is not a professional and will not be on stage with the pros like Wesley Vissers and Mike Sommerfeld. #samsulek #coach #ifbbpro #bodybuilding #bodybuilder
❌ Incline Bicep Curl Mistake (DON'T DO THIS!) A common mistake in the incline bicep curl is letting your elbows drift forward and your upper arms move. This shifts tension to your front delts and defeats the purpose of the exercise: emphasizing the bicep stretch. The goal is to train your biceps in a lengthened position, which is key for hypertrophy. To maintain this stretch, keep your elbows behind your torso and your upper arms fixed in a vertical position throughout the movement. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #bicepcurls #inclinebicepcurls #bicepsworkout
Let me take you guys through one of my leg days! // outfit is from @Women‘s Best
Carve your Body with Cable Rows ⚠️ . Here are the 2 main variations of Cable Rows you want to be aware of. 🔥 When performing Rows with your Body Slight Forward, this will shift emphasis to your Lats (primarily your Middle Lats). ✅ However, when Leaning your Body Back, this will emphasize your Mid-Back (+primarily your Upper Lats). ✅ Save this for next time you Train your Back. 💪🏽 Keep crushing it warriors . #back #backworkout #vtaper